Outcome Imps: Using evidence to improve outcomes
Outcome Imps: Using evidence to improve outcomes


Put your energies into the areas proven by Implementation science to make a difference


Sometimes services can lose their impact over time, or when they start working in a new area the services aren't as effective as in the original sites. Scaling-up services proven to be effective elsewhere can be problematic in terms of ensuring they 'fit' and work within the local context. Implementation science has identified some of the key drivers or components which help services run efficiently. Paying close attention to these drivers can reap big rewards in terms of operationalising efficiently and improving outcomes.


Outcome Imps can help you assess where the issues currently are, develop implementation plans, manualise programmes so they can be scaled-up, and troubleshoot key implementation drivers such as leadership, staffing and delivery context


Our services at a glance:


  • Assessment against the key drivers of successful implementation
  • Development of tailored implementation plans 
  • Implementation and process evaluations to guide service development
  • Manualisation of existing services
  • Adaptation to local context of services that have been developed in other areas

Recent projects

  • Implementation planning support for a regional approach to Speech, Language and Communication within Sure Starts in NI
  • UK Adaptation of the Botvin's LifeSkills substance misuse prevention programme with Barnardos in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • Implementation planning and support to the mainstreaming of the Growing Child programe with Lifestart in the Western Health and Social Care Trust
  • Learning report on implementing the Edges programme in the Early Intervention Transformation Programme
  • Implementation support to Tusla Prevention, Partnership and Family Support (PPFS) programme
  • Working with Barnardos to develop the DVRAC tool to help guide professional decision making in families where there is domestic violence
  • Scoping research for provison of support for victims of Domestic abuse in contact with family courts to guide future provision (Department of Justice)
  • Development and manualisation of the TASK (Together Aiding Support and Knowledge) approach with Surestart South Armagh to improve support planning and transitions of parents through Surestart
  • Development of the Perinatal mental health workforce competencies framework (PHA)
  • CSSO Counselling framework and staff training (Barnardos)



Dr Helga Sneddon


Email: helgasneddon@outcomeimps.com


Tel: +44 (0) 7894906003


Contact us on: enquiries@outcomeimps.com

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