Outcome Imps: Using evidence to improve outcomes
Outcome Imps: Using evidence to improve outcomes

Finding & using evidence

Find the right evidence to improve what you do, and develop effective ways to get your message out to the people that matter


There are thousands of pieces of evidence.  Some can be jargon-heavy and even contradictory.  Outcome Imps can help you find and interpret the evidence most relevant to your needs.  We can capacity build with teams, or provide short digestible summaries of what you need to know from the evidence.  


Increasingly funders want proof that services are based on strong evidence of what will work.  We can help you communicate the evidence about your approach effectively by identifying and matching key stakeholders to relevant messages, and developing engagement strategies for specific client groups.

Our services at a glance:

  • Capacity building in sourcing and using evidence
  • Briefing papers on effectiveness of your approach for different stakeholders including policy makers, service commissioners, other providers and clients

Recent projects

  • Development of the Domestic Violence Risk Assessment for Children (DVRAC)
  • Cost of Living Crisis - Tough times, smart solutions (NICVA)
  • Family support for those whose loved ones have substance misuse isses - views of staff around needs and delivery context in NI (PHA)
  • Review of the effectiveness of networks in signposting, coordinating and delivery of early intervention services to vulnerable families in reducing the demand for statutory family support and mental health services (HSCB)
  • Systematic revierw of best practice in supporting mental and emotional health and wellbeing of asylum seekers and exploration of NI delivery context with key stakeholders (PHA)
  • Systematic review of how best to support young people making the transition between child and adult services (HSCB)
  • Systematic review of how best to prevent and treat frailty in older people (HSCB)
  • Review of assessments/ screening tools for childhood adversity for the MACE project (CAWT)
  • Youth programme Quality Intervention briefing paper on youth work in NI and how the approach could be used to support reflective practice and improve young people's outcomes
  • Systematic review of respite and short break provision for children and young people with disabilities (HSCB)
  • Systematic review of psychosocial support for young people with chronic health conditions (cystinosis)
  • Evidence review on the importance of fathers for children's outcomes (Dads Direct).  Click here for the Dads Direct briefing paper on Click here to see a recent presentation at Queen's University Improving Children's Lives conference by Helga Sneddon on the topic
  • Evidence review on Sensitive Practice and effective approaches to use with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse (Victim Support)
  • Systematic review on the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy as a treatment for young people with sexually harmful behaviour (Queen's University Belfast)
  • Review of the learning on leadership and systems change from the Atlantic Philanthropies investment in Prevention and Early Intervention in Ireland (Centre for Effective Services)

        Click for More details on these projects


Dr Helga Sneddon


Email: helgasneddon@outcomeimps.com


Tel: +44 (0) 7894906003


Contact us on: enquiries@outcomeimps.com

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